At Bowland Medical Practice we are actively involved in research to help improve medical knowledge about illness and so develop better treatments for patients.
The research is all ethically approved and selected specially for primary care to help improve medical care now and in the future.
You may be invited to take part in research. There is no obligation to take part and if you decline it will not affect your treatment in any way.
This practice works with the research arm of the NHS, the National Institute for Health Research, to promote clinical research and offer our patients the opportunity to take part in ethically approved research studies.
Research has always been at the heart of the NHS. Through research can continually improve treatments and discover the best ways to prevent, diagnose and manage illnesses. It also helps us understand how to best focus NHS resources where they will be most effective.
The Practice’s level of involvement may range from simply having identified a suitable group of people from our database for an external researcher, to being a site where research activity is carried out. Please get in touch if you have any concerns or questions about research at Bowland Road via our practice manager.